
With their expansive, interdisciplinary expertise, Bender and Hanna write with absolute authority and unapologetic clarity about all the ways AI companies wield and weaponize language – in their marketing hype and as training data for their monstrous AI models – to create a less rigorous, less verifiable, more unequal, and more B.S.-filled world. Despite the depressing nature of their subject, Bender and Hanna narrate it with incredible wit and verve – and oh do they make you laugh. Come for the piercing observations; leave with the tools to slice your way through the absurdist narratives that prop up the AI industry and to hold it accountable. — Karen Hao, award-winning AI reporter and author of Empire of AI

The AI Con is a must-read…Drs. Alex Hanna and Emily M. Bender cut through the dizzying hype to provide the clearest picture yet of what AI is, what it is not, and why none of us need to accept it being shoved down our throats. Their expertise and independence from the tech companies claiming to have created what the CEO of OpenAI calls ‘magic intelligence in the sky,’ makes them two of the few voices writing on this topic motivated by the public’s interests rather than their personal gains. — Timnit Gebru, Founder and Executive Director at The Distributed AI Research Institute

In The AI Con, Bender and Hanna deliver a hard-hitting, no-nonsense takedown of the so-called ‘artificial intelligence revolution.’ Far from the sci-fi fantasy of machines thinking for themselves, this book shows how tech giants are using AI as a cover for their real agenda: data exploitation, surveillance, and a race to replace human labor with soulless automation. With irreverence and razor-sharp analysis, Bender and Hanna dismantle the hype and arm readers with the tools to see through the corporate doublespeak. This isn’t just about debunking myths—it’s about reclaiming control over the future that’s being sold to us. — Ruha Benjamin, author of Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want

If you’ve been confused and bedazzled by all the chatter about AI, this book will help you make sense of all of it. Emily M. Bender and Alex Hanna break down all the science-fictional flights of fancy, and painstakingly reveal the troubling reality that lies beneath. The AI Con is required reading for anyone who wants to survive the twenty-first century. — Charlie Jane Anders, author of Victories Greater Than Death

In this AI hype era, Emily M. Bender and Alex Hanna are here to deliver the well-informed debunking our algorithm overlords deserve. — Annalee Newitz, bestselling author of Stories Are Weapons: Psychological Warfare and the American Mind and Autonomous 

“A refreshingly contrarian take on AI and the clouds of hyperbole surrounding it.” — Kirkus Reviews